With thanks to the following for their generous donations: Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club; Tony & Pauline Wells, Valerie Hills, Tessa Hanger, Brenda & Eric Mitchell, David Pye, Jane Cartwright, Peter Phillips, Miriam & the Larkins, John King, Alfreda Harris, Mrs Keane, Mr & Mrs Roger, Ray & Janet Roberts, Peter & Sue Baker, Terry Vogt, Mr Bruce, Rosalind France, Alan & Celia Abbs, Janet & David King, Ann & Robert, Sue & Richard, Angela Robinson, Keith & Joy Childerhouse, Sue & John Branson, Jack & Jill Harrowing, Eddie Smalls & Chris Sutherland, Sylvia Coward, Joan Lowe, Daphne & David Knights, Pay Whittle, Roland Graves, Freddie & Janet Shell, Irene Nicholson, Catherine Smith, Margaret Whipp, Mrs R France, anonymous.